RRB Normalization Methodology for CBT Exams – Key Guidelines & Process, Understand Easily

RRB Normalization Methodology for CBT Exams: The Railway Recruitment Boards (RRB) under the Ministry of Railways have released guidelines for the normalization methodology used in Computer-Based Tests (CBT) for various posts across multiple exam shifts.

This methodology ensures that scores are normalized when tests are conducted in multiple shifts, so each candidate’s results are fair and comparable. The following key points highlight the essential elements of this normalization process:

Image showing "RRB Normalization Process for CBT Exams - Key Guidelines and Steps"
RRB’s normalization process ensures fairness across multiple shifts in CBT exams with percentile-based scoring.

Key Aspects of RRB Normalization for Railway Exams

  1. Percentile Scores:
    • The Percentile Score is calculated based on the relative performance of candidates in each shift, transforming raw scores on a scale from 100 to 0. It indicates the percentage of candidates who scored equal to or below a particular score.
    • This approach means the highest score in each shift is given a percentile of 100.
  2. Calculation of Percentile Score:
    • Percentile Score for each candidate is calculated as:
Calculation of Percentile Score
Calculation of Percentile Score
  1. Normalized Scores:
    • The Percentile Score acts as the Normalized Score for all candidates and is used in the preparation of merit lists.
  2. Tie-Breaking:
    • If multiple candidates achieve the same Percentile Score, ties are resolved by age (older candidate ranks higher) and then by alphabetical order of names if ages are identical.
  3. Minimum Qualification Percentages:
    • Candidates must meet minimum percentile criteria to qualify, as outlined:
      • Unreserved (UT): 40%
      • EWS: 40%
      • OBC (Non-Creamy Layer): 30%
      • SC: 30%
      • ST: 25% (30% for Level-1 Exam)
  4. Base Shift Selection:
    • The Base Shift is selected based on the highest mean (average score), provided its attendance is 70% or more of the average attendance across shifts.
    • If multiple shifts meet this condition, further selection is based on the highest individual score and, if needed, the highest attendance count.
  5. Interpolation for Normalized Marks:
    • If a candidate’s Percentile Score falls between two Percentiles in the Base Shift, interpolation is used to calculate the Normalized Marks using the following formula: N=(Y2−Y1X2−X1)×(X−X1)+Y1N = \left( \frac{Y2 – Y1}{X2 – X1} \right) \times (X – X1) + Y1 Where:
      • N is the Normalized Marks.
      • X1 and X2 are the closest Percentile Scores in the Base Shift.
      • Y1 and Y2 are the marks corresponding to X1 and X2.
  6. Minimum Percentile for Base Shift:
    • Candidates whose Percentile Scores are below the minimum Percentile of the Base Shift will have their scores adjusted with a separate calculation method.
  7. Official Communication:
    • Candidates should rely solely on official RRB websites for updates to avoid misinformation. All recruitment is based on merit through CBT, with no intermediaries involved.

Candidates are encouraged to follow these guidelines closely to understand how their performance will be evaluated fairly across shifts in the recruitment process.

रेलवे भर्ती बोर्ड (RRB) – CBT सामान्यीकरण विधि

रेलवे भर्ती बोर्ड (RRB) कंप्यूटर आधारित टेस्ट (CBT) को निष्पक्ष बनाने के लिए सामान्यीकरण (Normalization) का उपयोग करता है, खासकर जब परीक्षा कई शिफ्ट्स में होती है। इसका उद्देश्य सभी उम्मीदवारों के स्कोर को एक समान आधार पर लाना है ताकि परीक्षा के अलग-अलग शिफ्ट्स में कठिनाई के कारण अंतर न आए।

कैसे काम करता है सामान्यीकरण?

सामान्यीकरण के तहत, हर शिफ्ट में उम्मीदवारों के प्राप्त अंकों को एक पैमाने पर बदला जाता है जिसे परसेंटाइल स्कोर कहते हैं। परसेंटाइल स्कोर का मतलब है कि आपकी तुलना में कितने उम्मीदवारों ने कम या बराबर अंक प्राप्त किए हैं। इस प्रक्रिया से सभी शिफ्ट्स के स्कोर एक समान माने जाते हैं और अंतिम मेरिट लिस्ट में इसका उपयोग होता है।

महत्वपूर्ण बातें:

सिर्फ उन्हीं उम्मीदवारों को मेरिट लिस्ट में शामिल किया जाता है, जिन्होंने अपनी श्रेणी के न्यूनतम अंकों को प्राप्त किया हो। हमेशा आधिकारिक RRB वेबसाइट पर अपडेट्स देखें और किसी भी झूठे वादों से बचें, क्योंकि भर्ती पूरी तरह उम्मीदवारों की योग्यता पर निर्भर है।

RRB Normalization Important Links 

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Official RRB Normalization PDF RRB Normalization
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Alok Kumar

Hello, I'm Alok Kumar, an experienced recruitment officer, blogger, tech analyst, and content creator at recruitmentofficer.in. With over three years of experience, I specialize in providing precise and reliable information on free job alerts, government job updates, Sarkari Yojana, career news, and exam preparation. I'm also actively involved in industry forums and continuously update my knowledge to keep pace with the evolving job market and recruitment trends. Feel free to connect with me at [email protected] for any queries or collaboration opportunities.

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